Hi, I'm glad you liked the article!
To answer your question, there would not be a survival imperative under communism by definition. At this point in time we are so far removed from worldwide communism that we can only imagine what it will look like eventually. If everything is owned in common and everyone has, to put it simply, access to everything at any time, work would be just enough to keep society running. What we call work will probably even be different; non-communists like to point out "who will clean the toilets in communism?" -- ignoring that some people enjoy that kind of work (low-stress, plenty of alone time, you can leave when the job is done) -- but I think that's not the question. The question is: why can't you clean your own toilet? Absolutely impossible in capitalism, likely accepted and encouraged in communism.
The survival imperative in capitalism is safeguarded by the reserve army of labour; the unemployed that have no choice but to accept any job offer that is presented to them (even on unemployment benefits!). Without this reserve, and without exploitation occurring, there cannot be "survival jobs".